Wellness is so much more than diet and exercise. Most chronic diseases are the result of poor lifestyle and lack of attention to our wellbeing which can be prevented. We offer individualized Wellbeing Programs to support individuals with various challenges in life. Most of us are occupied by an overpacked daily schedule with a never-ending task list without realizing the negative effects on our health. Our Wellbeing Programs aim to help you improve your holistic mind body wellbeing and to take preventative measures prior to onset of illness.
When was the last time you were in-awe with nature? Recall an ah-ha moment such as watching sunrise, beautiful landscape, snow-peaked mountains. This is our signature program that is designed for a deeper therapeutic purpose to improve emotional and physical wellbeing through nature-connection workshops and coaching. It is for everyone from all walks of life. Nature is not only enjoyable, but nature teaches us more than any book on Earth. This program will help you look at different aspects of life in a holistic and creative way, find your true self and purpose towards a happier and healthier life.
Why is it important for executives and business leaders to pay more attention to their wellbeing? Are you one of them who spend most time of the day just focusing on work? Is stress keeping you awake at night? This program will help you identify priorities in life and not to lose focus on your health and wellbeing. To have a successful career, you also need a healthy mind and body that would allow you to manage stress, make better decisions, improve energy level and become a purpose-driven leader who fosters a positive work environment. Deepen your mind and body connection to access the inner wisdom.
The truth is, women are facing challenges more than ever before in different stages of life. Whether you are a working or non-working woman, whether you have children or not, it is likely that you are playing multiple roles and carrying many responsibilities on your shoulders. You may be feeling exhausted, overwhelmed and lost. It is very important that you take good care of yourself. This program supports women to learn self-care techniques, reset both mind and body, build awareness of your health, and nourish yourself with the right food and mindful practices to live a happier and healthier life.
Forest Bathing, also known as Forest Therapy, originated in Japan in 1980s. Shirin-Yoku, literally means Forest Bathing in Japanese, is a research evidence-based healing practice through immersion in nature.
Forest Bathing is not a hike or a walk in the forest, or not simply a relaxation. It is also not a treatment for illness, but it can bring positive physiological and psychological effects that boosts our immune system and prevents us from falling ill especially stress-related diseases. Participants, under the guidance of a Forest Bathing Guide, spend therapeutic time to observe nature. In some countries such as Japan, Forest Bathing is being considered as eco-therapy in which medical doctors may prescribe dose of nature to patients as part of their recovery.
The technological influence nowadays and rapid urban lifestyle force most activities to take place indoor or virtually. Humans are losing touch with nature leading to environmental and health issues. Through Forest Therapy experience, we build a relationship with nature, we allow nature be our mentor. We take the time to settle into our body, bathe ourselves in the forest atmosphere, and let our senses be awakened. We could then hear our inner voice and not be bogged down in the traffic inside our busy heads.
We offer private and group Forest Bathing sessions. Experience the magic of nature, it is life-changing.
The GYROTONIC® Method is a movement system based on the basic principles of yoga, dance, swimming and tai-chi using intelligently designed equipments with rotational discs and weighted pulleys that addresses the body holistically. With Gyrotonic exercises, clients could increase strength, range of motion, spine mobility, joint stability as well as unblock energy pathways.
Gyrotonic exercises emphasize on three-dimensional, spiraling and undulating balanced movements connecting the entire body. Movements are active, yet supple and soft. It is suitable for all ages and also used for rehabilitation. It is very beneficial for overworked professionals who tend to hunch their back and shoulders due to prolonged sitting in front of a computer with poor posture, along with many other benefits.
The GYROTONIC® Method was created by ballet dancer Juliu Horvath in 1970s following his injury. He began teaching this movement system in 1980s. Today, Gyrotonic is being practiced worldwide with Trainers all over the world.
The equipments may look complex, but under the guidance of our Trainer, it is fun and challenging to work with.
We offer 1-on-1 lessons at a private cozy studio.
In today's fast-paced environment, breathing has become relatively rapid and shallow for most people. This type of breathing reflects our body reaction when under stress - a flight or fight breathing to get our body ready for action. Being able to breath well is vital to our health and wellbeing.
Enhance your breathing by learning techniques to improve your respiratory capacity, psycho-emotional health, awaken your senses and unblock energy pathways through the Gyrokinesis Cardiovascular Breathing method and other types of breathwork.
We offer private and group breathwork lessons indoor or outdoor.
We will help you to become the best version of yourself
Contact us for details of our services